TMA Mobile Administration Guide

Preparing the Data in EXOR MapCapture

We are now ready to connect to EXOR and query some data using the created workspace. Launch EXOR MapCapture using the workspace you have just created and connect to your EXOR server. Use the Query command to query instances of the required feature classes in your dgn file.

You can use All as the spatial extent to make sure that you query all available instances of that feature class. Alternatively, you can also generate multiple i-models to cover your territory if you prefer. You could use the View or Fence spatial extent options in that case, provided that you define your view or you define a Microstation fence in the right location.

It is recommended that you do a Fit View operation to see your data once it is queried. Each Microstation view you leave open will create a saved view in the exported i-model. You can either close the other views or configure their content to your liking. Once the views are configured properly, you should do a Save Settings operation to save the view as it appears. You can also optionally create a few additional Saved Views that represent different work areas.